Friday, February 5, 2010

Crazy Heart - Movie review - 2-4-2010 by Jimmy King

Jeff Bridges (Bad Blake) a has been country music songwriter. This is a very simple movie a basic snapshot of an aging country musicians life who finds himself: broke, alone and without many options. He travels in his own truck going hundreds of miles between show's to play at bowling alleys or restaurants which are constant reminders of his rank in the music industry as well as excuses for him to continue being an alcoholic/honkeytonker. Bad Blake is country old school and change is not a priority, but once he meets a writer (Jean) played by Maggie Gyllenhaal he finds himself with a purpose. Their relationship happens very quickly and (Bad) develops a relationship with (Jean's) little boy in part because the little boy is adorable and because (Bad) has a son that he never got to know after leaving his wife when his son was 4 years old. (Bad) also has a thorn in his side by a country music young gun (Tommy) played by Collin Farell who plays arenas and sell's millions of albums. (Tommy) was brought into the music business by (Bad) but broke off and became all the success that (Bad) hoped for. Director Scott Cooper does a nice job of letting Jeff Bridges do what he does best. Jeff Bridges doesn't act in this movie; he is the movie and is deserving of all the buzz. YES!

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